DZNE scientists have identified a molecular brake that prevents the regeneration of nerve connections. To this end large sets of genomic data had to be analyzed. This is illustrated in the above figure. Image: DZNE/A. Tedeschi
Reawakening a lost talent
Neural pathways that have been injured can only regenerate if new connections arise between the affected cells. In a sense, the neurons have to stretch out their arms, i.e. the axons have to grow. In fact, this happens in the early stages of embryonic development. However, this ability disappears in the adult. Can it be reactivated? This was the question Professor Bradke and
Searching through the genome
In mice and cell cultures, the scientists started an extensive search for genes that regulate the growth of neurons. «That was like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack. There are hundreds of active genes in every nerve cell, depending on its stage of development. To analyze the large data set we heavily relied on bioinformatics. To this end, we cooperated closely with colleagues at the University of Bonn," says Bradke. «Ultimately, we were able to identify a promising candidate. This gene, known as Cacna2d2, plays an important role in synapse formation and function, in other words in bridging the final gap between nerve cells." During further experiments, the researchers modified the gene’s activity, e.g. by deactivating it. In this way, they were able to prove that Cacna2d2 does actually influence axonal growth and the regeneration of nerve fibers.
Pregabalin triggered neuronal growth
Cacna2d2 encodes the blueprint of a protein that is part of a larger molecular complex. The protein anchors ion channels in the cell membrane that regulate the flow of calcium particles into the cell. Calcium levels affect cellular processes such as the release of neurotransmitters. These ion channels are therefore essential for the communication between neurons.
In further investigations, the researchers used Pregabalin (PGB), a drug that had long been known to bind to the molecular anchors of calcium channels. Over a period of several weeks, they administered PGB to mice with spinal cord injuries. As it turned out, this treatment caused new nerve connections to grow.
«Our study shows that synapse formation acts as a powerful switch that restrains axonal growth. A
A new mechanism?
In previous studies, the DZNE researchers showed that certain cancer drugs can also cause damaged nerve connections to regrow. The main protagonists in this process are the «microtubules», long protein complexes that stabilize the cell body. When the microtubules grow, axons do as well. Is there a connection between the different findings? «We don’t know whether these mechanisms are independent or whether they are somehow related," says Bradke. «This is something we want to examine more closely in the future.»
Source: https://www.dzne.de/en/about-us/public-relations/news/2016/press-release-no-16.html