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Intramembranous bone regeneration and implant placement using mechanical femoral marrow ablation: rodent models



Meghan M. Moran, Kotaro Sena, D. R. Sumner, Amarjit S. Virdi et al.

Description of the technology

The technology provides a detailed protocol for a model of long bone mechanical marrow ablation in the rodent, including the description of surgical procedure, anesthesia, and pre- and post-operative care. In addition, frequently used experimental end points are briefly discussed. This model was developed to study intramembranous bone regeneration following surgical disruption of the marrow contents of long bones. In this model, the timing of the appearance of bone formation and remodeling is well-characterized and therefore the model is well-suited to evaluate the in vivo effects of various agents which influence these processes. When biomaterials such as tissue engineering scaffolds or metal implants are placed in the medullary cavity after marrow ablation, end points relevant to tissue engineering and implant fixation can also be analyzed. By sharing a detailed protocol, we hope to improve inter-laboratory reproducibility.

Practical application

This technology provides a step-by-step methodology of implementation of the mechanical marrow ablation model as used in rodents as a model organism for various applications. The mechanical marrow ablation technique provides a reproducible platform specific to studying intramembranous bone regeneration, post-injury bone healing, implant fixation or biomaterial performance. Publishing detailed protocols for techniques like this provides uniformity and helps ensure repeatability in method across laboratories. This will ultimately establish a standard which provides comparison with experimental value in evaluating results across studies. The technology can be used in the field of regenerative medicine and transplantology.


  • Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago (USA)
  • Department of Periodontology, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima (Japan)
  • Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine, Baton Rouge (USA)




  • Moran, M.M. et al «Intramembranous bone regeneration and implant placement using mechanical femoral marrow ablation: rodent models." 5 BoneKEy Reports (2016) Article number: 837.
  • Moran, M.M. et al. «Intramembranous bone regeneration differs among common inbred mouse strains following marrow ablation." 33 J Orthop Res (2015): 1374–1381.
  • Virdi, A.S. et al. «Sclerostin antibody treatment improves implant fixation in a model of severe osteoporosis." 97 J Bone Joint Surg (2015): 133–140.