MitoKor is a biotechnology company focused on the commercial applications of mitochondrial medicine. Mitochondria are the self-charging batteries and engines of cells, driving energy production, metabolism, and cellular life and death, as well as participating in other key signaling pathways. Mitochondria also house the «other» human genome, inherited only from the mother. Mitochondrial dysfunction is a major contributing factor in the pathophysiology of major diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus. MitoKor and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Mimotopes Pty. Ltd. And Apollo BioPharmaceutics, Inc., have established core competencies in biotechnology, combinatorial drug discovery and diagnostic development technologies, as well as in mitochondrial proteomics and genomics, disease modeling, pharmacogenomics, and drug development. The recent acquisition of Apollo gives MitoKor two mitochondrial drug candidates currently in clinical trials and a range of preclinical candidates that have demonstrated therapeutic efficacy in a number of disease models, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases and stroke.