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Novartis Venture Funds

Краткое название
Novartis Venture Funds
Novartis Venture Funds Novartis International AG, Forum 1-3.73 P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
Members of the board

Dr. Simon Wheeler,Dr. Anja K"onig, Florent Gros, Dr. Markus Goebel, Dr. Reinhard J. Ambros

Categories medicine
Cardiology, Oncology, Infectious diseases, Ophthalmology, Therapy
Stage of the project
Business ideas and projects
Viral hepatitis, Influenza, Melanoma
Current owners

Prof. Francis Waldvogel, Prof. Michel Aguet, Prof. Jeffrey A. Hubbell,Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn, Prof. Christoph A. Meier, Dr. Raj Parekh,Jonathan Symonds, Prof. Paul Herrling.

Vaccines, Other, Devices, Technologies
Fund size
600M USD