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Mobile software application helping to provide immediate treatment of wounds and injuries of various etiology

The aim of the project is creation of a mobile multipurpose application for untrained people to be able to provide immediate treatment of wounds and injuries of various etiology in various situations including emergency.

Providing fast, timely first aid is an acute problem nowadays. Unfortunately, a specialist able to provide emergency medical care to people, who have got into trouble, is not always close with. If you take into consideration that the average attendance time for the ambulance is about 20 minutes in Russia, you will clearly see that people have to be able to carry out initial first aid by themselves. An application for mobile devices (smartphones and tablet computers) will help untrained people to provide a fast first aid for people injured in accidents. As the result, the probability of the favorable outcome increases considerably. Such programs will undoubtedly be useful in the today’s world of developed mobile technologies.

We are planning to publish our project in the AppStore – Apple’s online shop of software applications. This platform is universal and has more than 100 millions of mobile devices – smartphones and tablet computers. Any owner of a clever telephone will be able to load our application in an elementary way.

Some day we will sell our program at some fixed price that will be fixed later.